
Through the Eyes of Juana Martin



What sort of space do you allow to vision, to the eye and observation in general? 

I permit my eye to see positive vibes, happiness of people –especially my son – humility, and education of the people around me. I don’t permit seeing injustice, segregation, intolerance, mistreatment… It makes my eye cry and I feel bad. 

Considering this collection “Origins” what is your “vision,” your interpretation on this? 

The interpretation of Origins is of a woman who is fresh and sophisticated. It’s a new vision of techniques and tones – on the brand and especially on Haute Couture. We have used a fabric not [typical to] couture. In shapes, this collection represents, in shapes, the impact of a wave on a rock that surprises your eyes during the summer season. You will see this at the show.

Why is the eye so important, particularly in Haute Couture? 

Ultimately, the gaze of the designer represents the personality of people. This is super important for reflecting on the collections and what is wanted. Without vision, Haute Couture can’t transmit anything. This collection transmits the evolution of the brand. 

You are the first Spanish woman to show your collection at Paris Haute Couture week. How do you see yourself? 

I see myself as a fighter, a perfectionist, and proud of all the goals we are achieving. At the moment, I am observing the future with illusion and requiring more and more of myself. 

Your education? 

My parents gave me an education of values, tolerance and respect. An education with a value impossible to calculate. 

Tell us about the Gitana 2023? 

Maybe I can be the gypsy woman 2023, but that is not my goal. At ultimately, I’m a gypsy not only this year, I have been one since I was born and until I die. Flamenco for me is the life of every gypsy community; we live on flamenco. Dance and music: it’s a way of living. 

Your team, your brand? 

My team is everything in my career. They are my family who supports and learns to create the development of the brand and its future. We grow together.
I see my brand with a lot of force, and it is very potent. In the end, I believed in my dreams, and my work has reached the goal of being part of the Haute Couture, even though I have endured much inconvenience because of being a woman and a gypsy. 

 Do you believe in good eye versus bad eye – the eye of fortune telling?

No, I don’t believe in that, I believe in good and bad people. I don’t have any esoteric believing. 

You are wearing glasses; how did you choose them? Have you any story to tell about them? Any superstition

I don’t wear glasses usually. I do it only for seeing better, especially with technologies. When I choose them, I see myself in them. I wear them and notice that I don’t lose my gaze even if it’s a crystal between my eye and the person, I keep transmitting the same. Something I wish to say about the glasses is that my son usually takes them and wears them saying, “I look like you!” and I find it really funny that my son sees me in the glasses. I love wearing them to see my son’s smile. 

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.