The Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode (FHCM) brings together the most emblematic French and international design Houses with a focus on creativity and a unique and innovative know-how. The FHCM is both a Professional Organization dedicated to its Members and an Event Organization that coordinates the Paris Fashion Week® and Haute Couture Week. It is composed of three Chambres Syndicales.
- The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture
The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, founded in 1911 following a first Chamber created by Charles Frederick Worth in 1868. The “Haute Couture” denomination is legally protected and is granted by the Commission responsible for the Control and Classification of Couture Creation sitting at the Ministry of Industry. The Member Houses of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture thus meet relating to the “intelligence de la main”, personalization, rhythm of the collections, know-how displayed in ateliers which must be located in Paris and the highest level of creativity. The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture also has corresponding Members whose ateliers are not based in Paris but whose activities are similar to those of the great couturiers.
- The Chambre Syndicale de la Mode Féminine
The Chambre Syndicale de la Mode Féminine was founded in 1973 after the great couturiers and fashion designers decided to unify their respective approach by presenting their ready-to-wear collections together; This Chambre Syndicale brings together Fashion Houses from all horizons which are most recognised for their creativity and know-how in womenswear.
- The Chambre Syndicale de la Mode Masculine
The Chambre Syndicale de la Mode Masculine, also founded in 1973 is identically selective. This Chambre Syndicale brings together Fashion Houses from all horizons which are most recognised for their creativity and know-how in menswear.